wow, it has been FOREVER since I downloaded the old pictures off of our digital cameras! The first set is from when we went to the Rangers game on July 4th. Having never been able to afford the nice close to the field (ie. close view of those great baseball pants) it was nice to score tickets from Chad’s boss and no longer reside in the cheap seats. We got together with our friends Stephanie and David and enjoyed the game. I have been friends with Stephanie since 7th grade and it was so nice have a chance to hang out again! It was also very touching to have the newest graduating class of the air force there to get honored. With my brother being in the military and being overseas studying abroad in Belgium on this day, the playing of the national anthem brought a sting to my eyes. The Rangers beat the LA Angels and we got to watch a great fireworks display. I should say…APPARENTLY it was great firework show… it didn’t pay off to have great seats during the show because we couldn’t see a lot of the fireworks over the jumbo-tron.

A few days later on July 7th (07/07/07) one of my oldest friends, Kelly Wing got married in the same church that I had a couple months earlier. I was a reader but so dang nervous! Luckily it was in a church I was used to and comfortable with. The reception was at The Atrium in Garland which is a GORGEOUS glass surrounded by lots of trees outside which is really nice. However, there was one STRANGE thing outside… when we got there we noticed a large blue helicopter with a couple of guys in flight suits hanging around. I thought that maybe there was a flight museum inside. It dawned on me a later that this helicopter wasn’t just for show. Turns out, to Jon’s surprise, he and Kelly would make quite an exit flying high in the sky to DFW airport. It was so cool to watch the propellers start spinning and watch the happy couple jump in the helicopter and fly away! I tried to get pictures of this but it was too dark to really make out anything in the blurry shots!

In August another friend got married (sense a trend? it’s not over yet!) in Lubbock. This was Angela and Theo who I had met while in college at Texas Tech through the Catholic Student Association. Angela, Andrea, Stacie, Mary and I were all in the small group and now we all live in separate parts of the state from each other. It was so nice to get the opportunity to hang out and be our goofy selves again. Thank goodness Mary’s husband and Chad get along and could have “man-talk” while the girls hung out!

In mid-July my family found out that my mom had breast cancer. Although incredibly devastating we were all happy to find out that it was in the early stages and later removed successfully. (Since then she has gone through chemo and is now having radiation and doing well) It was at that point that I knew I wanted to be involved somehow with the Race for the Cure that happens in October in Dallas every year. So, in early October my brother Matthew, Chad, our friend Norm and I walked/ran the course. Chad and Norm ran while Matthew and I walked the 5K. It was a little hard at times knowing why we were there and why it all mattered but we were really glad to be doing it. I think our “team” in all raised about $600.

In mid-October Chad and I went to Lubbock to watch our first (live) Tech game of the season. Unfortunately we lost against Colorado but it was still a lot of fun. I really enjoyed living in Lubbock while I was there but it was fun going back knowing I didn’t have classes and that I could just enjoy the atmosphere!

I already covered Thanksgiving in previous posts so I’ll skip to Christmas. It has really been fun having our first holiday as a married couple and finally I can decorate our first apartment for the holidays. I bought some really cute ornaments at World Market and actually (partially) made our stockings. I dont have a picture of the tree but it was a towering beautiful fir! If only we had a fireplace it would be perfect.

Sunday, December 23rd we went to Rockwall to have early Christmas with my parents. We started out with Mass at 10:30a at my home parish. We ate an enchilada dinner and the FINALLY got to open presents. Chad had really gotten most of his presents back in late October before deer season started. He needed camouflage cover-alls and a heavy coat for hunting season so needless to say he didn’t have truckload of gifts at Christmas from my parents. I had been hinting for a leather ottoman for our living room which is just what I got. I also had talked about wanting a weather radio for when the weather gets bad and our cable goes out and I got a super duper weather radio/TV radio/cell charger/everything else that will be great! That evening we drove to Muenster for the Felderhoff/Metzler Christmas.
Monday morning Chad went hunting on his parent’s property while I slept in. That day his mom and I cooked and baked to get things ready for the Felderhoff Christmas that evening. I also got to share in the family tradition of making Divinity candy. It’s a detailed process but it turned out pretty dang good! Once Chad’s siblings got into town we headed over to his Grandparents house where we ate, talked, read the nativity story, sang Christmas carols and opened presents. After that we went to Midnight Mass which was a beautiful celebration! Tuesday we went to the Metzler side of the family celebration and all the food and desserts were delicious! There was also a gift exchange and Chad and I scored a “Fry Daddy” and a set of poker chips!
That weekend we headed to San Antonio for a wedding that Chad was a groomsman in. Chad has known Steve since his freshman college days and we are so happy that he has met Allison. She is such a sweet girl and they make a very nice couple. We tried to leave as early as possible on Friday but unfortunately we missed the rehearsal and were late for the rehearsal dinner. All the events were at the La Cantera Resort and Hotel ( which was beautiful! The location of the ceremony looked over an area that looked like and Italian landscape. We didn’t get to stay at the resort but we walked around a bit and vowed to come back someday to stay overnight.

On New Years Eve we got together with our friends Ashley and Brian that just moved to the area and Chad’s brother Mitch and his girlfriend Aubree. We all went out to dinner at I’Fratelli’s Italian Restaurant and then went to Champs Sports Bar for a drink. Chad and I had been to the restaurant before and it is delicious. They have the best bread and the food is really good too. After that we came back to our apartment and played poker. I have not played that often and am not very good but it was still fun.
To start New Years off right we went to the gym! I know, surprising but it really wasn’t that hard to get the motivation and I was glad that I went. Chad and Mitch hit the weights while Aubree and I went to a spin class. Now… I have ridden a bike before but the seat on this bike SUCKED. The class was 60 minutes and I think I was sore for almost a week! Apparently they don’t invest in padding at that place and I don’t think I could take another class like that. It was good though to get our heart rates up and feel good about getting a good workout in on the first day of the new year! We made it home just in time for our friends to start arriving for the Bowl Game watching party we hosted. Texas Tech was in the Gator Bowl against the University of Virginia. It looked like we might lose for a little while but they pulled it out in the end… there’s a reason we call them “Heart Attack Tech”!

This past Saturday we got together with a group of friends to go bowling in Plano. We have another set of friends, Eric and Jackie, which just moved to the metroplex so we knew it would be fun to get together. Although I lost every game, we played 3 different times and stayed there until about 11:00p.

Sunday we tried a new church. We like St. Michaels but Chad’s uncle is a deacon at St. Ann Catholic Church in Coppell so we tried that for a change. It was WONDERFUL. It is much more my type with the traditional architecture and design. I really liked the priest homily and it seems like a very warm and inviting community. They are a parish of 23,000 people and have a wonderful young adults group that we want to get involved with. The music minister is named Curtis Stephan and has done wonderful things through Spirit and Song. It is refreshing as a young person to have contemporary uplifting songs as well as the old favorites during the liturgy. We will be going there again soon to decide if we want to switch.

OKAY... that should be enough to get you hooked and get me updated to present!
...make sure to leave comments!
1 comment:
I loooooooove you!! I can't believe I hadn't seen that post before -- I promise I do check regularly!! You guys make me smile, and I so want to come visit soon!!!
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