The weekend of June 20th we drove cross country to Omaha to attend the wedding of our friends Adam and Natalie. Their wedding was held in the beautiful St. John's Chapel on Creighton University campus. I LOVE old traditional churches!

The reception was held in large beautiful foyer of the Durham Museum
It was great to hang out with our friends that we hadn't seen in several months.
The Girls

The next Friday we decided to explore Tulsa's minor league baseball scene, The DRILLERS!

It was very hot but luckily we found a breeze, hot dogs and the beer stand! I don't know if they are a very winning team but they lost when we were there! :(
The next weekend was July 4th and we headed down to Dallas for Chad's brother's fiancee's wedding shower (got that?!). It was great to spend some time with the family and celebrate! We also did the traditional grill out and watch fireworks thing... that's what Independence Day is for right, blowing fireworks all night long!
The next weekend Chad's parents came in town which was nice. We didn't really have anything planned which was nice so we could just relax! Of course we did find many yummy places to eat such as Hideaway Pizza and Copeland's New Orleans restaurant! Know this: whether I cook or we eat out, you will eat GREAT at the Felderhoff's!

Mitch and Aubree (the soon to be wedded couple) came in town the next Friday to attend a financial seminar that weekend. Those plans fell through so we just made the most of the weekend and cooked out. The Porter Peach Festival was that weekend so we headed east to get our fill of the bounty. Yes, this was your idyllic festival with a Peach Queen and local cookbook fundraiser! We got to the fair and although the food vendors had plenty of peach products there were no actual bushels of peaches! Crazy I know! Apparently you have to get there early on Saturday to buy the peaches. Then they save several bushels back and auction them off for the city. Local small town politicians pay a premium to show how much they love their community... I just wanted to buy some PEACHES! Anyway, we found out we could head down the road to the orchard and get them straight from the truck. Sounded easy... nope, there was a line of 50+ people! I was patient and finally we left with our goodies and boy were they delicious!!
Again, we did a lot of traveling this summer as we headed back to the Dallas area for Chad's cousin's wedding. It was of course beautiful and a lot of fun. Lemme tell you, these full-blooded, small-town German people know how to put on a party! It's not unusual for a reception to last from 3p to midnight! Drinks, snacks, dinner, more drinks, cake and more drinks makes for a festive night!
On our way home that Sunday we had a very exciting event... we picked up our new puppy DAISY!

She is a West Highland White Terrier and adorable. We have really been trying to work with her on potty training and obedience... I think it is getting better as she gets older!
Last weekend we headed back to DFW for bachelor/bachelorette party. I would post fun pictures but I really don't think they are appropriate for public viewing! We had a great time staying at Hotel ZaZa (gorgeous) and hitting the town! It was so much fun and I am really glad that Aubree is joining our family!
That's about it for now, just glad that this weekend isn't packed with stuff to do!
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