“I think the most significant work we ever do, in the whole world, in our whole life, is done within the four walls of our own home.” – Stephen R. Covey

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Does it stick?

Okay, lets see if this sticks this time! 
My plan is to start posting regularly again even if I have to schedule writing time. Currently the baby has been napping for almost 2 hours which basically means ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE! 
My goal is just to post whatever comes to mind. Sometimes it might be deep thoughts. Other times you may get a rant or rave. Most likely you will read random thoughts or a list of my favorite things at the moment! I also may join a fun link-up to serve as an easy writing prompt!

Also, fair warning... I may change the name of this blog because my husband participates 0% other than as fodder. So there ya go!

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